Friday, December 08, 2006

Page and Link Redo!

As you can see, I have changed the look of the page and adjusted the links. Some links, I have added and most I have taken away. I did, have a bunch of links of people of whose art I admire or have been inspired by, but in some cases was not added on to their links. Its only common courtesy, especially if asked for permission to add them to my links, to add me to their own links. So I dusted this blog off and decided to only keep blogs I deemed necessary. Maybe, I will find new artists that are not kept up in their own ego. Ha! Funny! Anyways, I know I need to post, and I will real soon. I just have to get my ass to scan a bunch of shit an I will be on my way.

"I'll bet you're the kinda guy that would f**k a person in the ass and not even have the goddamn common courtesy to give him a reach-around. I'll be watching you."
-R. Lee Ermey in Full Metal Jacket


Rachel said...

You Go Boooooy!!! don't blame you...I would have done the same thing, what took you so really need to start adding some links to my blog...I'm just sooo lazy...

Anonymous said...

Too true on the link swap. I asked people if I could add them to my links and it was like "Yeah, admire and love me as MUCH as you like." End of story. So I dropped 'em like third period French. Fifty points if you can name that one!

p.s. This is Jason. I'm posting as anonymous, 'cuz the login is freaking out on me.